This recipe comes from King Arthur's website. The dough will remind you of choux pastry, but it's made with gluten-free tapioca starch, which is available...
A Paula Deen recipe posted for safekeeping. Peppers can be stuffed up to one day ahead. Store, covered, in the refrigerator. Bake just before serving....
This recipe comes from Burt Wolf's Tasty Travels to Brussels Belgium. This salad is served warm or at room temp.and is delicious.I always double the recipe,...
Growing up in the Midwest, this soup was a staple in our menu during the long winter months. When our sons were at home they loved the soup but it never...
I found this recipe in Woman's World magazine. When I made this recipe I've baked my sausages for 30 minutes at 350 in a 1"-inch of water. During baking...
I used to have to make this salad when I worked in a german deli, only it was origanally made with potatoes. My kids absolutly love this recipe. It never...
A very tasty dip when you are looking for a hot appetizer. It is an alternative to the popular hot artichoke dip. The recipe has been used in my family...
This recipe came from the January 2010 Vegetarian Times Magazine. I made this vegan, but I am posting the original recipe that isn't vegan. It was absolutely...
I found this recipe on the net and decided to share it with all of you. Fish tacos are very popular in the San Diego area. I serve these with Spanish rice...
After having the Sonoma Chicken Salad at Costco I was on a search to find a recipe to duplicate the taste. I found a good recipe on and...
I am always trying to raise the bar on fried rice recipes. This one reminds me of some Vietnamese versions and has a hint of sweetness both from the lup...
For this baked tortellini casserole, I used one large skillet and one casserole pan. I made a quick basic meat sauce with onions, garlic, ground beef and...
I created this recipe for RSC #11. Tenderized pecan crusted chicken breasts loaded with spinach, artichoke hearts, and sun dried tomatoes, and oozing with...
I was directed to this amazing local recipe site and found this recipe. So delicious and so easy to make. Servings depend on how small or large you cut...
This is a family recipe that we make for all of our picnics. The salad is best if made a couple of hours, or even a day, ahead. It can be served warm,...
This recipe came to me by one of my co-workers today, Nina. It was given to Nina at one of our local Weight Watchers meetings. I hope you all enjoy this....
This is a recipe that my mom perfected years ago. I made her write it down so that I could duplicate it. She gives me directions like mayo 1/2" above label...
This is my most requested recipe for parties. Everyone is always stunned at how simple the ingredients are. If you are serving a large number of people,...
This is a yummy baked apple turnover recipe! It uses a frozen sheet of puff pastry, so you'll need to allow 40 minutes to thaw it before starting on the...
I wanted a change for a holiday meal, something elegant, but not too hard. This was it. Yum!! Serve it with a glass of white wine, some crab cakes and...
These are a great way to utilize the rotisserie chickens from the grocery store or leftover cooked chicken. Good way to get some veggies in, too! Use a...
This seafood pizza is pretty hard to top! With a combination of some of the most loved seafood out there along with fresh homemade dough and a lovely Mornay...
I know there are tons of stuffed bell peppers recipes already posted -- but I didn't see this one. Some of the members of my family don't actually eat...